
135 : Talking Ticks with Dr. Vett Lloyd
Talking Ticks with Dr. Vett Lloyd

In this episode I talk to tick expert Dr. Vett Lloyd about ticks in terms of risks to gardeners, the diseases they carry, and how to avoid them.

Lyme disease is becoming increasingly common in the Maritimes. The disease is a serious disease contracted from the bite on an infected tick. Dr. Vett Lloyd, a professor at Mount Allison University in NB, is a national expert on ticks and tick-borne diseases. For the past decade her lab has been working on the genetics of ticks and the pathogens they transmit and is the head of the Mount Allison tick lab. Dr. Lloyd is committed to incorporating the community and Lyme disease patients as full partners in research to tackle the biological, social and human dimensions of zoonotic diseases. She will be presenting information on ticks including tick identification and prevalence, tick borne diseases, protection from tick bites and current tick research.

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Music: “pioneers” byhttps://Audionautix.com

Thumbnail Photo: https://extension.wvu.edu/lawn-gardening-pests/pests/tick

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