
Adventures in Podcasting: The Independent Podcaster’s Journey

Adventures in Podcasting is a look at independently produced podcasts with a special focus on those produced within Atlantic Canada. Host Michael Boyd talks to the creators who are living and recording their passions.
What the listener will learn – Each episode includes the back story of the Host(s)/Producer(s) and where they came from. Where did the podcast idea come from, the challenges and triumphs, the creating process, how the listener can support the podcast and how someone can be a guest.

Host: Michael Boyd

Location: NS

Website: www.podcastatlantic.com

Apple Podcasts:  https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/adventures-in-podcasting-the-independent-podcasters-journey/id1716783290 

Spotify: https://open.spotify.com/show/4jMayjaaKjQTIJgpXRq0ec

YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/@podcastatlantic2798/videos?view=0&sort=dd&shelf_id=1


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