
How to Create Products That Millions Will Love Feat. User Research Expert Ximena Vengoechea

One of the biggest fears entrepreneurs face is that their offers won’t sell, and it’s not an entirely irrational fear. Eleanor hears from many clients who experience low or no sales. This is where the discipline of user research comes in, and Eleanor’s guest today is a legitimate pro.

Ximena Vengoechea was a UX researcher, mentor, and manager at LinkedIn, Twitter, and Pinterest. She shares the biggest mistakes entrepreneurs make when designing new offers and the kind of mistakes that result in low or no sales. Ximena walks you through a simple approach to conducting effective user research so you can speed up sales by tweaking or creating offers customers actually want, and the best practices when it comes to conducting user interviews.

Get full show notes and more information here: https://safimedia.co/2

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